Stepping Out - Fall 2016

Dear Friends & Family,

Your prayers and notes of encouragement have been such a blessing! Your partnership means so much to us. Thank you for praying for our ministry for the children.   Here’s some exciting news!

Kaitemu – High School in Banta Sierra Leone
Our sponsored teen, Kaitemu, is attending secondary school at our campus in Banta and is so excited. She recently wrote, “Thank you for caring for me. God bless you and your family…You and your friends and family are invited to visit Sierra Leone.”

Kaitemu lives in the village of Bondayan with her parents, aunt, uncle, three brothers, and three sisters. She realizes the importance of schooling and is working hard to continue her education. Her family is supported through farming and they live in very poor conditions. Their house is made of mud and sticks with a thatched roof. Kaitemu helps her family at home by sweeping the floor, carrying water, and washing dishes. We are excited to visit her in February.

Good News – Children of the Nations is still growing!!!
COTN continues to prove good stewardship with stellar financial audits, continued membership in the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA) and a continued 4-star rating by Charity Navigator.  We saw a 9% growth in total donations in 2015.

Dave lead a team of volunteers to send over $736,000 of physical donations to our countries, an increase of 7% in 2015. This year the goal is increased to $750,000 . We need your help!  As you have connections with businesses and organizations with donations we can use, please refer them to Dave – thank you!

Sierra Leone Strategic Trip in February 2017
We will be leading a team of strategic Resource Partnerships who have supported COTN Sierra Leone throughout the Ebola and post-Ebola outreach efforts. This team will visit all of the locations served, listening and observing how we can partner with our communities for years to come with new and exciting initiatives.

Our team will also provide staff training for Finance and Resources, equipping a computer lab and computer training for staff and students. Trip costs are $3,500 per person. We are already funded for our trip costs – thank you! Additional gifts will help purchase the technology supplies needed for the computer lab.  

Current prayer requests:
1)       Special gifts toward our Sierra Leone Trip in February 2017 for the computer lab.
2)      Recruiting 2-4 more Resource Partnerships to join our team to Sierra Leone.
3)      25 more families or individuals to join our monthly support team.  Thank you!

4)     Wisdom for planning and budgeting for 2017 ministry goals – personal, USA and COTN Countries. 

For the children,
Dave & ReneĆ© Schertzer 
Serving with Children of the Nations    360-633-1635 office

P.S. Your investment makes a difference! Please send your special gift by November 30th. Thank you!
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Dave & ReneƩ,
o  I/We want to give a special gift of $__________ for the Sierra Leone computer lab.
o  I/We want to invite you to share with our small group/family in the month of ______________.
o  I/We will join your support team with a monthly gift of  O $10    O $20    O $_________.
o  I/We will increase our monthly support to $_________.

Please Mail to:  Children of the Nations – Schertzer, PO Box 3970, Silverdale WA 98383